Gives You A Sustainable Way Of Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Water Storage Unit. From Tank To Tap.
Vfix Maintenance is an experienced provider of dubai water tank cleaning services, specializing in the disinfection of pipework, water storage tanks and process systems in line with the latest Dubai Municipality Guidelines.
Water Tank Cleaning Dubai
Water Tank Cleaning Dubai tend to be on the expensive side and are hard to find. It is essential that water tanks are cleaned half-yearly in Dubai to remove hard water chemical residues from tanks which tend to contaminate the water. Even if you use a filtration system at home to drink cleaner water you still may end up using water for personal hygiene from the tanks which may cause damage to the hair , nail and skins. It is highly imperative that water tanks are cleaned in a professional manner to remove chemicals and salts. The older the building or Villa the more regular the cleaning of water tanks are required.
At VFix our recommendation for Water tank cleaning is as follows :
- 0 – 5 Years Villa – Clean once yearly as a minimum
- 6-10 Years Villa – Clean twice yearly as a minimum
- 11-20 Years + – Clean the tanks every quarter
A professional water cleaning service like ours has many advantages, the first and the foremost being that you can live with a peace of mind of using the cleanest water from the taps. The second and equally important advantage of hiring a professional water cleaning service is that it gives you peace of mind from the security point of view. If you hire an individual there is always a security risk. But hiring a service like ours eliminates the risk as all our workers are professionals and are hired after a proper background check.
Some of the areas our water tank cleaning dubai covers include house water cleaning, office water cleaning, deep cleaning, post construction cleaning, windows cleaning, dishwashing and garbage throwing and many others.
The hiring process is simple, whether it is a one off job or a permanent requirement; you will be provided the worker according to your choice and needs. All you need to do is pick up your phone and tell us your requirements and we’ll get back to you shortly. Our workers are friendly and punctual and there first priority is to get the job done in the shortest possible time keeping in mind the client convenience.